Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sitting Pretty...

I mean handsome!!
We started to wonder if David would ever sit!! Then last Monday (March 15th), while we were visiting a friend's cottage, he decided he need to see the world from a different perspective and that was it! Now our little monkey is sitting!!

PS. Notice the drool?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Suddenly Six

6th Month Vital Stats...

Weight: 16lbs
Length: Gotta double check this one...

Major Milestones:
*Eating a variety of solid foods that mommy makes for him each day. But his favorites are bananas and carrots!!
*Popped through his second tooth on the bottom Feb 23rd
*Went for his first airplane ride to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Florida Feb 21st
*Finally decided to sit on his own!! Feb 15th

Claim to Fame:
*Is currently know as a POOP STAR! I have never known a kid who can fill a diaper like this one can!
*Definitely a ladies man. This boy just bats his eyelashes and give his crooked grin to win the hearts of the ladies!

Favorite Pastimes:
*Crazy jumping in the Jumperoo
*Playing with the bee that Aunt Melissa & Uncle Scott bought him for Christmas. It is annoyingly loud which makes David love it all the more!!